The Bookmobile
Established in 2016 thanks to a generous gift from the Baltimore Ravens, The Maryland Book Bank Ravens Bookmobile is the Book Bank's mobile home library builder promoting home libraries and book self-selection.
The Bookmobile is filled with books for elementary students and enables the Book Bank to take its mission directly into the community to distribute books. In 2019, the Book Bank received a second Bookmobile from the Baltimore Ravens, allowing us to expand our reach even further.
In addition to our flagship Home Library Program, the Bookmobile also visits community events, festivals, and summer camps.

The Home Library Program
The Home Library Program is the Maryland Book Bank's pre-kindergarten through third-grade reading initiative, designed to help build home libraries during the critical years of early literacy by allowing students to board the Bookmobile and self-select books to take home and keep.
The program has expanded exponentially since its inception now serving 100 Baltimore City and County Title I schools from its initial cohort of 28 schools.